Founded on the 8th of May 1977, Association Ornithologique et Mammalogique de Saône-et-Loire (AOMSL) raises public awareness of sites of ornithological interest in the department of Saône-et-Loire, such as the Doubs, Saône, Loire and Grosne valleys. Outings organised by the association, often during migration periods, can be devoted to identifying and counting populations. They are sometimes focussed on searching for rare species, such as the wallcreeper, the alpine accentor and the black-winged kite. 

AOMSL has created and maintains a database that makes it possible to track changes in bird populations over several decades, and in particular to measure the effects of climate disruption. Its research is published in its own journal and in the science review Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Nature.


AOMSL collaborates with other organisations in the region, such as the Société d’histoire naturelle d’Autun and the Conservatoire d’espaces naturels de Bourgogne. It also takes part in national bird inventory programmes.

As a member of the federation France Nature Environnement and the board of the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Nature network, AOMSL contributes to the protection of wildlife and natural spaces. 

Nearly fifty years after its founding, the association continues to pursue its aim: to protect nature through the development of knowledge and scientific literacy.