Similarly to the depictions of family life, Denise Ferrier's still lifes seem to have escaped abstraction. The studies carried out in Jean Souverbie's workshop show the care with which she sought to faithfully reproduce objects.

The notes taken by Denise Ferrier during her years of training mention the study of colour as a crucial subject, which did not fail to attract the attention of Jean Souverbie.

Your painting in characterised by an extreme range of colours and continuous passages.


The composition Avocat, melon et verre [Avocado, melon and glass] highlights the creative process, which is based on a constant striving to deal with the same objects from different points of view.

As a favourite area for experimentation, the still life takes on many aspects : while engaged in abstraction, as in Les Carottes dans le fait-tout [The Carrots in the stewpot], for example, she also occasionally dabbled in self-portraits and travel souvenirs.